Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Emma's Halloween Party

Emma had a Halloween party a few weekends back and invited all of her friends to the barn!
A friend of ours, Wendy Morris Tank was sweet enough to bring her mini's and a cart for the kids. They were a big hit and the kids had such a great time!

Stephanie, Adam and Debbie

Evan - Tigger and Adam -Spiderman

Deb with Adam, Wendy and Topper the Mini

Jordan and her mom Jami, Emma and Wendy

Alex and his daddy Wes

Siena and her mom Melissa

Avery and her mom Paige

Karina and her mom Maya

Shawn escorting Sameet in on the 4 wheeler

Jordan and Emma

Emma and Luke

Karina with her daddy Sameet

Shawn and Adam showing off his muscles

Jordan and Topper

Emma the bunny on Topper

Emma and Adam

Decorating Pumpkins

Tess, Adam and Emma taking a ride

The kiddos

Kiddos and their parents

Jordan, Tess and Emma decorating pumpkins

The kids dancing

Trick or Treat


Emma found a new friend

Siena and Melissa with the baby
We had so much fun and can't wait until next years party!

Emma and Luke take a ride

Emma and Topper

Friday, August 20, 2010

Best Buds

Our boys are the best of buds!

Imagine That

Imagine and Jackson ready to play

Brotherly Love!
Imagine and Jackson have the same daddy

Handsome Jackson!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

In Loving Memory

"The wind of heaven, is that which blows between the horse's ears"

Amjad and his mom Megan

Aubrey riding Amjad during the summer camp

Amjad's favorite thing to do....a trailride with his pal Infinity!

Morgan and Amjad
Amjad first came into our lives about 14 years ago. When Debbie and her family moved here from Indiana, they brought their horse and boarded at a barn nearby. Amjad was owned by a boarder there and that's where we first met our little pokie maud. Amjad's owner at the time was looking for someone to ride/lease him and Debbie's niece Megan was the lucky one to lease him. Megan and her family fell in love with him and that Christmas, he became a part of their family! Megan enjoyed him all through her middle school and her first 2 years of high school and then outgrew him. She loved him too much to sell him, so she gave him to her Aunt Deb. He moved into Debbie's place and that's where he met his "forever"friend Infinity! The 2 of them share a special bond and when they were apart, each of them would whinny for the other. Debbie and Pam started up Sundanz Arabians where Amjad became the main lesson horse. He has carried around most, if not EVERYONE of the Sundanz clients on his back at least once. He is a gentle giant and loved the kids so much. He is a huge part of our family and we will forever LOVE him! Today, we say goodbye to our beloved Amjad. We will cherish all of our great memories and rides together....until we meet again our gentle giant!
Our beloved Amjad

All horses deserve, at least once in their lives, to be loved by a little girl
Emma - 2 1/2 years old

Emma's best buddy Luke had his 1st Birthday picture on him!

Pam, Emma, Sara and Debbie with our precious boy

Karen and her grandaughter Tess

with his first mommy...Megan and his best bud Infinity

Infinity and Amjad....buds for life
Emma and her buddy Amjad....a friendship from the start

all dressed up for our halloween party

Leah and Amjad at the horse show!

enjoying a night ride with Sara

Summer camp



The Manninno girls

Let a horse whisper in your ear and breathe on your heart. You will never regret it!
R.I.P. Amjad - 25 years old